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The Israeli vulture arrested on charges of espionage has been released!

The Dhaka Times Desk Finally, the Israeli vulture arrested on espionage charges has been released. Lebanon released the bird through the intervention of UN peacekeeping forces.

espionage vultures

Can any bird ever be a detective? But this time it happened. A vulture was detained by Lebanon on espionage charges. I am very upset about this. The bird was finally released after the intervention of UN peacekeepers.

According to a BBC report, the wingspan of the captured vulture is 6 feet 5 inches. The bird crossed the border from Israel and entered Lebanon. Then on Tuesday, the people of the country's Bint Jibeil village captured the vulture. One of the reasons why the vulture was accused of espionage was that it was suspected of being used for spying because it had a tracking device attached to its tail.

According to media reports, the vulture was brought from Spain as part of a bird conservation project in the Middle East. It was released a month ago in the Gamla Nature Reserve in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, wildlife officials said. Tel Aviv University has been following this bird. For that reason, a GPS transmitter is attached to the bird's tail.

University authorities said the bird was wearing a metal ring on its leg. The issue came to the attention of wildlife officials after photos of the capture in a Lebanese village went viral on social media. Israel Nature and Parks Authority was able to bring back the vulture captured in the village of Bint Jibeil a few days ago through a well-planned operation with the Lebanese, thanks to the great help of the UN forces, Israel said in a statement on Friday.

However, Lebanese media reported that the vulture was released after it was confirmed that it was not being used for espionage. The bird has become quite weak. The vulture was treated for minor injuries.

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