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Warning: addiction to watching TV can lead to terrible consequences!

The Dhaka Times Desk Be careful to stay on time. Because addiction to watching TV can lead to terrible consequences! A group of researchers in the United States recently sounded this warning.

TV viewing intoxication

Researchers have said that watching TV for more than one hour can have dire consequences. People may even die.

Every day we come home from office or work and sit in front of TV refreshed. To get rid of the tiredness of the whole day, he lays himself down on the sofa or bed. Then turn the TV remote and start watching the favorite channel. And then we don't even notice how the hours pass by or sometimes the midnight rolls around. We often boast that we don't touch cigarettes; There is only one addiction. That is TV.

But do you know that TV addiction is as harmful as cigarettes? It can cause death? Researchers in the United States said that watching TV for a long time is one of the 8 leading causes of death at present!

After a long study, a group of researchers from the United States found a poor health relationship with sitting and watching TV continuously. According to their survey, 80 percent of American adults watch an average of 3.5 hours of TV per day.

Researchers claim that watching TV for a long time increases the risk of cancer or cardiovascular disease. Moreover, addiction to watching TV can lead to various problems like diabetes, influenza, pneumonia, Parkinson's and even multiple liver problems.

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