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The museum can be found under the Atlantic Ocean!

The Dhaka Times Desk Now the museum can be found under the Atlantic Ocean! Spain is building this museum deep in the Atlantic Ocean.

museum found bottom of Atlantic Ocean

According to media reports, this will be the first museum in Europe, which will address the deep sea, off the coast of Lanzarote, one of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. The work of making this museum in the depths of the sea is going on in full swing.

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It is known that the work of setting up 300 sculptures in the sea about 15 meters deep is almost at the end. A famous artist named Jason The-Cares is doing this amazing work. All these statues are said to be of current residents of Lanzarote. Basically these sculptures are being built on their daily activities.

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According to the published news, the materials used in making this sculpture will not cause any harm to marine life and sea water. Moreover, it is claimed that this sculpture will survive under water for about 300 years.

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If you want to see this fancy museum, you have to wear a special diver's suit and go down to the sea floor with an oxygen tube on your back. There is no doubt that this underwater museum will be a special attraction for tourists.

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