The Dhaka Times
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Research results say: heartbreak wounds last 4 months!

The Dhaka Times Desk A recent study found that heartbreak wounds last 4 months! From the day after someone's heart break, it slowly subsides or one has to go through this period of suffering for a few days.

breaking up wound is 4 months

According to media reports, the trauma of a heartbreak can haunt you for months, not just for a few days. Scientists have published this information after a recent study.

It is also said in the published news that a test is done before, it is known that the day after someone's heart is broken, it gradually becomes thicker from the next day or one has to go through this period of suffering for a few days.

A new study from the University of Aberdeen says that the pain of a breakup is felt by the mind and body for at least 4 months afterwards. However, the university said it will study the effect over a longer period of time.

Dr. Aberdeen Royal Hospital, a senior lecturer in cardiovascular medicine and consultant cardiologist at Aberdeen Royal Hospital, will lead the study. Dana Dawson.

Research shows that people limit themselves after heartbreak. Even if they work well for a few days, sometimes they become different-minded.

Researchers have found that heartbreaks lead to divorce, separation, death of loved ones and various accidents. These are the main reasons for depression among people. Many times it is seen that even after a long period of time, the state of body and mind remains the same.

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