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Bangladeshi scientist Salahuddin is receiving US President's Medal

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladeshi young computer scientist Salahuddin is receiving the US President's Medal. The award is given annually by the President of the United States to young scientists between the ages of 35 and 40.


Saif Salahuddin, the only Bangladeshi to receive the US President's Medal this year, is an associate professor at the University of California, Berkeley. 105 people have been selected for this year. Although the names have been announced, the award date has not been announced yet. The award will be presented at the White House, the residence of the President of the United States, on a fixed date and time.

It is known that after completing Masters from Bangladesh University of Engineering (BUET) in 2003, Saif Salahuddin went to USA to do Ph.D. Saif Salahuddin received his doctorate degree from Purdue University in Indiana. He then joined the University of California at Berkeley as an Associate Professor in 2008. Saif's village home in Shariatpur, Bangladesh. However, his parents and only sister live in Dhaka. Saif's wife Tanveen Zaman has a Masters from Berkeley. They have two sons. Saif Salahuddin is going to be honored with the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers - PKACE (PECASA) Award for his special contribution in the development of low energy micro process for computers.

Note that in 1996, the then US President Bill Clinton introduced this 'US President's Medal' award.

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