The Dhaka Times
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The child is in danger: because which of the twins is his father! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk The child is really in trouble. The reason is which of the twins is his father! He does not understand that! This problem is due to the fact that father and uncle look alike.

child & twin father

a small child Not even a year and a half old. Still, this child knew his father well. The child used to call his father 'Papa' when he saw him. But one day, suddenly, when his uncle came to stand in front of him, a problem happened!

One of the reasons is that his uncle looks exactly like his father! So the little child kept getting confused which one is his father and which one is his uncle, meaning uncle. In fact, father and uncle are twins who look exactly alike.

And the incident happened when the father and uncle began to take turns to hold the child. And when the two changed laps, he asked her, 'Tell me, honey, who is your father?' The little child was really confused by this trick of the two of them. Sometimes he rides on his uncle's lap and points his finger at his father, sometimes he sits on his father's lap and points to his uncle and says, 'This is father'!

After a resident of New York, USA, this funny video was 'posted' online and became popular. However, the video shows that both father and uncle enjoy the matter.

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