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If you light the fire with the stone, WiFi matches!

The Dhaka Times Desk The whole world is now running on the Internet. Everyone is also busy with how and where to get good internet connection. A new information has been found, the fire with the stone matches WiFi!

stone fire & WiFi

What is actually in the stone? The stone weighing one and a half tons is kept outside the museum. The fact is that if you light a fire in front of that stone, the WiFi signal will be turned on immediately! Even if it sounds surprising, the story is true.

So many call it the 'parash stone' of Kali Yuga. The strange work of this stone has really surprised people too. There has been a lot of uproar on social media about this strange stone Wi-Fi kept in a museum in Germany.

According to media reports, the wonderful stone lying outside the museum may seem ordinary. But its power is really surprising. But the stone's power is artificially generated. This stone is made in such a way that no one can detect that there is anything inside the stone.

It has been said in Anandabazar newspaper that the real thing is that the stone that is making so much noise is an ordinary stone. Scientists cut the rock and placed a thermoelectric generator inside the rock. That's why when a fire is lit near the stone, it heats up and converts that heat into electricity. As soon as this power is available, the museum's WiFi router is activated. Ordinary tourists go there to light a fire and enjoy the WiFi!

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