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That rock sounds amazing!

The Dhaka Times Desk Sounds like a sound never heard before in stone. But this time a startling sound was heard on the stone.

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Maybe anyone can be a little surprised to read the news. But the story is true. There is a rock in such a place that when he hits the rock it floats in the air with a crackling sound. But a stone that hits the stone as soon as the bell rings! There are such stones? This park called Ringing Rock County is located in the state of Pennsylvania, USA.

This special type of stone is spread over 7/8 acres of this 128 acre park. If you hit these stones, the bell will ring. And if the stones are struck with a hammer, they make a clanging sound. Just like hitting something made of metal.

The early history of that delicious news is also known. Native Americans knew about these stones from ancient times. Still these stones are also believed by them to have the influence of invisible powers and powers. Later, when the white settlers came to America, they also learned about these stones from the indigenous people.

In that news, it is also known that the sound created by hitting the stones is so amazing, if you listen to it for some time, you will think that these stones are really stones? Or something else? These are the sounds made in stone like the tinkling of metal. These ghostly phenomena have puzzled scientists and geologists for years. Many studies have been done to unravel the mystery. But the result is nothing, the result is zero.

It is known in history that it is about 1965. Then a researcher named Richard Fass of Pennsylvania studied these stones. He researched and found that these stones alone produce sound. which our ears cannot hear. But when many stones are hit together, that twang twang sound catches our ears.

Researcher Richard determined the nature of the sound created in the stone, but he did not understand how it was created. These rocks are made of volcanic material. Such igneous rock is called 'diabase'. Pennsylvania's Ringing Rock is the largest 'diabase' igneous rock in the eastern United States. Geologists believe that this ringing rock was formed by the breaking of rocks created by volcanic eruptions during the Pleistocene era, about 12,000 years ago.

Like other stones, these stones also contain iron and other minerals. But there is 'something extra' in these stones that makes them completely different. However, according to some scientists, this unusual sound is created due to the internal pressure of the stones. But not only because of the sound, these stones are really strange for other reasons. Many researchers believe that these rocks are formed by the collapse of mountain ice.

Strangely enough, this vast wilderness is not at the foot of a mountain, but on top of a hill. So it is easy to understand that these stones are not formed due to landslides. So where did these mysterious stones come from? That mystery still remains impenetrable. But no matter what happens, visitors from far and wide come to see them. Visitors take hammers or iron bars with them to Ringing Rock Park. Then the mystery does not come to mind of visitors. They just kept hitting the stones and playing that sweet tune.

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