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Sing and understand that rock!

The Dhaka Times Desk A stone has no life, a stone cannot move, cannot move, even a stone has no feeling. Even though we have known this for a long time, this time In Ringing Rock County Park, Pennsylvania, USA The remaining stone will change our perception. The stones here can sing!


Ringing Rock County Park in Pennsylvania, USA is 128 acres. It is spread over about 7 to 8 acres with numerous special types of stones. These stones are special because they can make different sounds. Locals and experts say that these stones have the ability to sing, i.e. make melodious sounds of music.

Generally, if someone hits these stones, then these stones emit a wonderful melodious sound. Just like the beautiful melodious sounds that we usually get by hitting drums, tablas or various musical instruments, hitting these stones also emits beautiful sounds.


The creation of beautiful melodious sounds through sound in stone is not new. Since the historical period of Prague, these stones have been giving joy to the local people by playing different tunes. Numerous scientists and geologists from different countries have come here to examine these stones. But they didn't find any practical answers about singing rocks or understanding sounds to create beautiful sounds.


Meanwhile, there is a big puzzle behind the creation of these stones, because usually the creation of stones is caused by landslides or landslides, but the place where these stones are located is located on top of the mountains. Even trees do not grow right where these stones are. As there is no possibility of landslide there, a puzzle is working on the exact process of formation of these rocks. Perhaps in a different, different geological transformation and material these stones were formed which will always serve as a curiosity among the locals.


Source: David Hanauer

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