The Dhaka Times
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The puppy survived with 18 bullets!

The Dhaka Times Desk A puppy survived with not two, but 18 bullets! This puppy is only 6 weeks old. No one thought that the chick would survive.

18 bullet puppy was alive with

In the case of South Korea, the whole world was shocked, when the puppy survived a fight with death. Doctors claim that such success in medical science has not been seen in the last decade.

It is known that the name of this little puppy is Brody. The kids were playing with Brody on a recent Sunday. Suddenly two teenagers came forward and took out pistols and shot at Brody. The small body of the dog was scratched by one shot after another. Brody immediately fell to the ground, riddled with half a dozen bullets.

18 bullet puppy was alive with-2

The dead dog was taken to the local Abanger Animal Hospital. Treatment of the puppy began. After removing all the bullets, the puppy Brody started to return to normal after overcoming the fear of death.

Later, the police arrested two teenagers aged 14 and 17 for shooting the puppy. The puppy is now quite healthy. The owner of the chick is treating him with sincere care.


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