The Dhaka Times
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A child is 12 years old by birth!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is natural that anyone would be surprised to hear such a thing. Because the age of birth is 12 years old? But it really happened. A child was born 12 years old!

With birth of a child is 12 year old

How does a child become 12 years old after birth? Such questions are not uncommon. But this incident is completely true.
The Chinese are celebrating the birth of the country's longest-ever test tube baby. Since this is a test tube baby, this child was fertilized 12 years ago. The baby was born recently at Tangru Hospital in Shaanxi Province, China. This child's embryo was fertilized another 12 years ago.

But this is not a sinister experiment, it is being seen as another triumph of science. For women who have various physical problems during childbirth, this method brings a happy message.

Chinese local media reported that a 40-year-old woman was suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome as well as fallopian tube problems. When she first conceived in 2003, her embryos were frozen. Her second son was born 13 years after China relaxed its one-child policy.

When her fertility was first tested, her remaining 12 eggs were reportedly fertilized with her husband's embryo. They implant the two between those eggs. After 9 months, a healthy son was born to them.
Her remaining eggs were then frozen. Then 3 of her 7 fertilized eggs survive well. This second son was born from there.

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