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Scientists submit evidence: the sun is controlled by aliens!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to research on aliens. Many movies have been made about this alien. Scientists now prove that aliens are controlling the sun!

aliens are controlling sun

UFO-logists claim to have identified several such UFOs this week. Those who revolve around the sun are essentially moving around themselves. The Solar Heliospheric Observatory also received some pictures of the UFO.
However, this is not the first time that this UFO has appeared around the Sun. Russian astronomers claim that 6/7 years ago they saw such a flying disc revolving around the sun.

At that time, the image of the flying saucer was also published on YouTube. Something like a gaseous ball glowing with a strange green light is seen floating in the Sun's chest. They claim, these are indeed UFOs.

UFO Sightings Daily's Scott C. Waring reports that we first heard the news about 6/7 years ago. Then two Russian scientists first claimed that numerous UFOs are floating on the sun. Everyday they rotate non-stop, 24 hours a day.

It is also said that these flying discs speed up and down at will. Also changes direction. However, the reason why the speed decreases is still unknown. But until now these aliens have been controlling the Sun - that's what scientists think.

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