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The demand for equal rights for women in Saudi Arabia is gaining momentum

The Dhaka Times Desk Due to the participation and success of women in one election after another, the demand for equal rights for women in Saudi Arabia is getting stronger.

Saudi women demand equal rights, being

21 women were elected in the country's recent municipal elections. This is the first time in the history of Saudi Arabia that women have the opportunity to work in any public office. Rasha Hefji is one of them. Despite being a successful businessman, he has to face many obstacles while fulfilling his duties. On the first day he was informed that he could never sit at a table with male colleagues!

Rasha Hefji, however, refused to give up. He says that we are already familiar with such problems. So I don't see anything to be disappointed about. He thinks this will change with time.

He said, When I went to the first council, I realized that many people could not accept me easily. But slowly their attitude has started to change. Over the past few years, there have been several changes in women's empowerment in Saudi Arabia.

Women's rights activists claim that the women of the country are still not getting the same rights as men. They feel that men can do many things, but women are not allowed to do that in the country. For example, women are prohibited from driving. But many say the wind of change began a few years ago when 30 women were appointed to the Shura Council, known as the King's Advisory Council, by special decree. One of these 30 people is Dr. Lubnal Ansari. He said that many people were hurt by the fact that women won the elections. But women are moving forward in keeping with other countries of the world. Women's rights activists believe that women's demand for equal rights is getting stronger. Saudi women can no longer be suppressed.

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