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This woman is 'human' to the crocodile!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have seen the news of human affinity with crocodiles before. But a woman is doing everything to make the crocodile 'human', i.e. riding a bike, learning computers!

woman & crocodile

The news will surprise anyone. The reason is that we have seen before that even dangerous creatures like crocodiles are loyal to humans. But this time it went one step further. Not just friendship - this crocodile wears a jacket, sleeps at home, rides a bike, goes to a restaurant, sometimes sits on a chair and stares at a laptop! There is no abnormality! If a 6-foot-long crocodile really did that, how could it? Marie Thorne, a resident of Lakeland, Florida, has made such an impossible thing possible. He made a crocodile his pet. Named Rambo. The age of the crocodile is 15. From the water, not only Dangay, has become a member of Mary Thorne's family! In Thorne's eyes, Rambo is no longer a crocodile, but a human being. Because he is building him as a person.

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He also appealed to friends and family members for help in keeping his pet crocodile with him. That's because Thorne has been asked by the Florida Wildlife Commission to find a new habitat for the alligator. This crocodile can sometimes be up to 11 feet in length. His weight may increase at an abnormal rate.

Thorne doesn't want to let Rambo down under any circumstances. He had 3 more crocodiles. Unable to adapt to the environment, 2 have already died. Rambo is the only survivor.

Since then, Thorne has raised Rambo as a member of the family. The training is the same. That's why Rambo stays like himself when a guest comes to the house without bothering him. He also loves children enough - said Thorne. This crocodile has become a good member of the family. Which surprised everyone.

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