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Trump's nomination to prevent the Republicans many strategies!

The Dhaka Times Desk Republicans are taking various strategies to block the nomination of Donald Trump in the US presidential election. To prevent him, the leaders of the Republican party have taken a new program.


According to media reports, a 100-day program has also been undertaken by Trump opponents within the party. Their anti-Trump campaign will continue throughout the summer from the April 5 primary in Wisconsin. Analysts see it as 'political guerilla warfare'. The Republicans are basically united to stop the progress of Donald Trump, the Republican nominee in the US presidential election.

It is known that they are going to take the initiative to catch the rush of New York billionaire Trump first, with Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Ohio Governor Ted Cruz in front. They say they will support a third candidate if needed. They will approach each delegate individually to try to persuade them against Donald Trump. If necessary, they will resort to multiple strategies to stop Trump. They called it political guerilla warfare.

Meanwhile, former Oklahoma Senator Tom Colburn and former Texas Governor Rick Perry are being mentioned as possible third candidates. Colburn said in a recent interview that Trump must be stopped. The number of votes cast in each state shall be converted into delegate votes based on the majority of the votes cast for the Republican nomination. Whoever receives a majority of the popular vote in a state shall only be deemed to have received all the delegate votes in that state.

It should be noted that there is already a lot of criticism about the nomination of Donald Trump in the US presidential election. Donald Trump has come under a lot of criticism because of his negative comments about Muslims in particular. He said, 'Muslims should be kicked out of America.'

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