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If Trump is president, Sadiq Khan will not be allowed to enter the United States!

The Dhaka Times Desk If Trump is president, London's new mayor Sadiq Khan may not be allowed to enter the United States! It is thought that because of Donald Trump's anti-Muslim attitude!

Sadiq Khan, Triumph & enter USA

Online Zee News has reported citing various media. It is said in that news, like other candidates of the Republican party, he has been campaigning for so long.

He advocated banning Muslims from entering the United States. He also said that he does not care if it changes his vote count.

It should be noted that Sadiq Khan is the first Muslim mayor to be elected in the history of London.

"I don't care if I get hurt for that comment," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joey" this week. Sadiq Khan made these comments about 48 hours before the London Mayoral election.

Trump said, I do what I do with understanding. Be it Muslim or any other issue. I always do the right thing. I have been given such instructions. Although he was not asked about the election of Sadiq Khan in that interview, he said that his proposal to ban the entry of Muslims was a 'common sense'.

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