The Dhaka Times
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Breaking News: Fire at Motalib Plaza

The Dhaka Times Desk There was a fire in Motalib Plaza of the capital. The cause of the fire and the extent of the damage were not immediately known. No one was reported injured.

Motalib Plaza Fire

A fire broke out on the fourth floor of Motalib Plaza in Hatirpool, Dhaka. Today (Wednesday) around 10:30 am, 15 units of fire service started working after receiving information about the fire in the multi-storied building.

It was not immediately possible to know the cause of the fire or the extent of the damage. The 17th floor is the mobile phone and electronic products market from the first to the 5th floor of this building. There is a community center on the sixth floor and residential flats from the 7th floor to the 17th floor. The fire has been brought under control till the latest news but no one has been reported injured.

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