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The part found in Mozambique is the missing plane in Malaysia?

The Dhaka Times Desk The part found in Mozambique is the missing plane in Malaysia? Australian experts commented. What is it really?

Mozambique & missing plane

Australian experts have told the media that the two pieces of wreckage found in Mozambique are almost certain to belong to the missing Malaysian plane. Australian Transport Minister Darren Chester said the same. He said that after examining the wreckage, experts believe that it belongs to the missing Malaysian plane.

Ocean waves are thought to have carried the wreckage to Mozambique. Experts say the wreckage has been examined and found to be from Boeing 777 aircraft, the manufacturer of the missing plane.

In a statement, Darren Chester said, "The analysis is almost certain that the debris is from MH370." Chester added that search teams will continue their work. Another 25,000 square kilometers of sea area is yet to be explored. He said, we are determined to complete our work. We are still hopeful of finding the plane.

It should be noted that a wreckage was found in Mozambique at the end of February. On the other hand, a family from South Africa found a plane wreckage while traveling in the eastern part of Africa in December last year. Australian authorities recovered the debris from the scene after receiving information. Australian authorities have since said the wreckage may have belonged to a Boeing 777.

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