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The story of a dog painter! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk God-fearing dogs are so attached to humans that they can imitate everything that humans do. This God-fearing dog is now becoming a painter and painting! You will also be surprised to see such a video.

story of a dog to be a painter

We all know about the world famous painter Leonardo da Vinci. But has anyone ever thought that the painting of a famous person like him will become an animal? This time, Doug Vincio has emerged as the best dog artist of his generation.

The original name of this black labrador dog from Long Island, USA is Dagger. In the art world, this dog has already made a name as the world's first canine artist. Dagger paints almost every day with his owner, master painter Yvonne Dagger. However, his cotton stripes are a wonderful and amazing color.

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"Some of Dagger's works are very abstract or abstract art," Yvonne told Mashable. Moreover, in some of his pictures, the existence of some hidden pictures can be found. It's really fun.'

According to media reports, Dagger wears a red hat while painting. But he did not want to be a painter. During the training he gained more skills in helping disabled people. During training he was taught how to open drawers or doors or how to hold something with his mouth.

But unfortunately, Dagger's career as a service dog was short-lived. After training he returns home with Yvonne. But Yvonne noticed one thing, her dog still remembered the training instructions.

Yvonne says, 'Dagger would often come into my studio and sit next to me while I was painting. Then one day he started nudging me gently with his elbow. I stopped drawing and asked him, Do you want to draw Dagger? As soon as he heard my question, he started wagging his tail vigorously in agreement!'

And so that was the beginning of Dagger as an artist. Yvonne trained him further after slightly changing the instructions during the training. For example, he was previously taught the word 'push'. Yvonne taught 'paint' instead of 'push'. Now all in all Dagger paints a very good picture. Yvonne said that several of Dagger's paintings have already been sold. This is how this dog named Dagger is going to get the status of an established painter.

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