The Dhaka Times
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Smart windshield will prevent motorcycle accidents

The Dhaka Times Desk Newly invented smart windshield will prevent motorcycle accidents to a large extent. This smart windshield is jointly developed in Italy by Samsung and Yamaha.

Smart windshield to prevent motorcycle accidents

This smart windshield will inform the driver about the speed of the bike and even the directions of the bike along with phone notifications.

The research institute said, if this windshield is placed in front of the bike, it will send phone notifications to the driver. This will keep you very safe while travelling. The reason for this is that many people take the phone out of their pocket when they receive a call or text message while riding a bike. In that case, the possibility of losing control of the bike remains.

But no clear idea is given yet about how it works. It's in a projector. which presents information on the common windshield. This device is expected to be popular. Because the number of road accident victims is increasing every year around the world. Motorcycle accidents in particular occur at a significant rate.

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