The Dhaka Times
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BMW brought a surprisingly sophisticated motorcycle! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Recently in Santa Monica, California, the world famous car company BMW raised the curtain of the latest motorcycle. Which will surprise everyone.


Reportedly, the latest addition to BMW's Vision Next series is the Motorrad Vision Next 100 motorcycle. This BMW bike is so intelligent that you don't need to wear any protective gear or even a helmet! BMW authorities have made such a claim.

What are the advantages of this motorcycle?

# New This bike has self balancing system with the help of which this bike will be absolutely straight even while running or standing, i.e. it will not tilt in any direction!

# The new bike has a special type of glass that can be controlled only by eye gestures. It will reflect the road in front of the driver. That is, the driver's driving style will tell the road conditions!

# has a digital companion that will suggest various adjustments while riding the bike.

# The new bike has 'Flexframe', with which just by turning the handle of the bike while moving, the direction of the entire bike can be changed. All in all, this bike with all modern facilities will surprise the world.

Check out the latest bike in the video

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