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The secret of the second Obama is going to be revealed!

The Dhaka Times Desk The secret of the second Obama is going to be revealed! In recent times, there has been a lot of fuss about the duplicates of US President Barack Obama.

Obama is about to uncover mysteries of second

We know twins are like that. That is, they look the same. But two children of two mothers can ever be the same? This is exactly the case with US President Barack Obama. Which has nothing to do with Barack Obama but looks similar. People who are not born from the same mother are often found to look exactly alike. Although it may sound surprising, that is actually what happened to US President Barack Obama. So why is this happening? There is no end to the research of scientists on this. Recently they have put up a new explanation of these events.

Sigmund Freud in his landmark essay 'The Uncanny' explained the phenomenon of twins as a point of psychology. He opines that 'one's own exact counterpart is indeed a source of terror. It is the fruit of psychosis.'

Whatever Freud says, recent research seems to be going in the exact opposite direction. Michael Sheehan, a neurobiology researcher at Cornell University, said in one of his papers, 'The paranormal is not the only factor behind two unrelated people having exactly the same appearance.'

He said, 'Not only the similarity of appearance, but unrelated twins can build up to such an extent that these humshakals can appear as replicas of each other in their behavior. Not only this, but when asked to pick a card from a deck of cards, it may happen that they pick the same card.'

What is actually in this 'look-alike' mystery? Researcher Sheehan said, 'A game of heredity must be at work here. The twins have been seen in two different countries, even in two different times. This is because of the global migration that took place in the distant past, the same ancestry growing up in two different geographies of different ethnicities.'

The researcher said, 'So, if you ever see someone who looks exactly like you, you know that he was related to you in some way. That is, if not close, then definitely close.

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