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Saudi Grand Mufti's speech: 'If driving, women fall into the clutches of Satan'!

TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY ACIL TABBARA Saudi activist Manal Al Sharif, who now lives in Dubai, drives her car in the Gulf Emirate city on October 22, 2013, as she campaigns in solidarity with Saudi women preparing to take to the wheel on October 26, defying the Saudi authorities, fight for women's right to drive in Saudi Arabia. Under the slogan "driving is a choice", activists have called on social networks for women to gather in vehicles on October 26, the culmination of the campaign launched in September, in the only country in the world where women do not have the right to drive. . AFP PHOTO/MARWAN NAAMANI (Photo credit should read MARWAN NAAMANI/AFP/Getty Images)

The Dhaka Times Desk Saudi Arabia's Grand Mufti Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh has backed a ban on women driving. He said, 'Women fall into the clutches of Satan while driving'.

TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY ACIL TABBARA  Saudi activist Manal Al Sharif, who now lives in Dubai, drives her car in the Gulf Emirate city on October 22, 2013, as she campagins in solidarity with Saudi women preparing to take to the wheel on October 26, defying the Saudi authorities, fight for women's right to drive in Saudi Arabia. Under the slogan " driving is a choice ", activists have called on social networks for women to gather in vehicles on October 26, the culmination of the campaign launched in September, in the only country in the world where women do not have the right drive. AFP PHOTO/MARWAN NAAMANI        (Photo credit should read MARWAN NAAMANI/AFP/Getty Images)

Saudi Arabia's Grand Mufti Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh said that 'women driving is dangerous. Because if they drive, they fall into the clutches of Satan. Moreover, weak-minded people can also harm women drivers.'

The Grand Mufti also said in a private TV channel's talk show, 'If the ban on women driving is lifted in Saudi Arabia, family members will no longer be able to track where and when they travel. His comment has already started a storm of criticism.

Note that Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where women are banned from driving. This law has been implemented in Saudi based on the Wahhabi fatwa. Not only that, if a woman drives a car in Saudi Arabia, she is arrested and even flogged for this crime!

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