The Dhaka Times
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'Paravasini' Release Date Delayed [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk After setting the release date, the much awaited Swapan Ahmed-directed science fiction film 'Parabasini' has been delayed again.


Meanwhile, Channel I has joined the campaign of 'Paravasini'. They will promote it as media partners. It is believed that the release of 'Parabasini' was delayed because of that.

Earlier the release date of 'Paravasini' was fixed on April 22. However, this film will be released on August 19 this year after that date. Due to which the release of the film was delayed by 3 months from the scheduled time.


The policy makers of the film told the media, 'We want 'Parabasini' to get a little more publicity. The production company is also asking, that's why the release date has been delayed.

The filming of 'Paravasini' started in 2012. The shooting continued for three years. 'Parabasini' got the Censor Board's clearance in September last year. The release date of the film was announced once before.


In 'Parabasini', India's internationally renowned actress Rit Mazumdarre has teamed up with Bangladesh's Eamon. Also starring - Sohail Khan, Rit Mazumder of India, Sabyasachi Chakraborty, June Mallya etc.

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