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Students' ability to drink alcohol test: expelled Chinese teachers!

The Dhaka Times Desk Sometimes you can hear some of the teacher's misbehavior. Now I heard about such an incident. A Chinese teacher was expelled for testing the ability of students to drink!

Students test power of alcohol

It's not a competition of how much a student is studying, it's a competition of who can swallow how much wine in China that day. One such competition was started by a Chinese teacher. Where else? In the end, the expulsion of the Chinese teacher! The reason is that many students get drunk in the campus after appearing for the exam.

According to media reports, the teacher named Gu Ming taught traditional Chinese medicine making methods at an educational institution in Guizhou province. In his own office he checked the drinking capacity of the students.

A student posted on Chinese social site Weibo said that those who can drink a full glass of wine will get full marks out of 100. Those who drink half a glass will get 90 marks. And those who take a sip, they will get 60 marks. Those who don't drink at all, or can't, drop out. Such was the criteria of the teacher!

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