The Dhaka Times
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Have you ever heard of such a thing? A year in 88 days!

The Dhaka Times Desk You may have never heard such a thing before. Now such a news will surely surprise you. A year in just 88 days! Surely you have never heard such a thing before.

88 days a year

If this was really the case in our country, I think we could live for many years! Because 365 days seems like a long time to us. But 365 days means a very long time. But if I give you the address of a place where the year is actually 88 days instead of 365. Then tell me, how much better it would have been in everything except the only age.

Eid, Durga Puja would happen in just 88 days! Grown in mine within 88 days. Starting new classes within 88 days, i.e. getting degree early. But maybe no one will have the luck to go there. This lucky place is Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun. Mercury takes only 88 days to orbit the Sun once. Therefore, a year on Mercury is measured in 88 days.

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