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Learn some ways to relieve severe headaches without medication!

The Dhaka Times Desk It seems that you cannot find a person who does not have a headache. Headache is a minor symptom but should be tolerated. Today there are some ways to relieve severe headaches without drugs!


Almost everyone is prone to headaches. Which is why it's a well-known problem. People of any age can suffer from headaches. Headaches, especially those with severe headaches, may experience nausea or sometimes vomiting.

Known causes of headaches include:

# stress
# anxiety
# tired body
# sinus problems
# Migraine
# waterproof
# lack of sleep etc.

We usually take medicine to relieve the pain when we have a headache. But this time you can cure this headache without medicine if you want. How can you ask? Let's learn some methods.

drink water

If you have a headache, drink more water first. If your headache is due to dehydration then you can easily cure the headache by doing this.

# Drink a glass of water when your headache is normal. Then keep drinking water little by little.

# Avoid soft drinks when you have a headache.

Lemon is very beneficial

Lemon is very useful for headache. Because lemon maintains the acid-alkaline level of the body.

# After the onset of headache, drink turmeric mixed with lemon juice in warm water. Stomach gas problem but often headache.

# Grate lemon peel and make a paste and apply it on the affected area. You will see that the pain will decrease after a while.

mint leaves

Mint leaves are very useful for headache. So if you have a headache, try using mint leaves, it will reduce the headache very quickly.

# Make tea with mint leaves. Once the water boils, cover it for at least 10 minutes. Then mix it with honey and eat it.

# You can use peppermint leaf oil. It is very useful in curing headache. Massage the neck, head, it will reduce the pain.

# People who experience nausea during headache can consume mint leaves. It will be beneficial.

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