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Some simple ways to relieve headaches

The Dhaka Times Desk Headaches happen to almost everyone. And if you have a headache, you can't do anything. Today's report is about how to get rid of this headache very easily.

head pain

Headaches can happen to anyone at any time. There is no telling when it will start. In a word, people who do not have headaches cannot be found in the world. Many of us take many different medications for headaches. But medicine doesn't always work. But there are some home remedies to get rid of headache. Let's know some home remedies for headache:

the water

Water can help ease your headache. Dehydration is usually the main cause of headache. If you feel pain, drink two glasses of water immediately. So, to stay away from headaches, make a habit of drinking at least 2/3 liters of water a day.

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betel leaves

Betel leaf also plays a special role in curing headache. You can also reduce headache quickly with betel leaves. Betel leaves have cooling properties. That is why this betel leaf is effective in curing headache instantly. If you have a headache, squeeze 3/4 betel leaf and apply it on your forehead. This will reduce your headache within half an hour.

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Lemon helps in curing headache. Drink lemon juice mixed with hot water as soon as the headache starts. This will reduce your headache quickly. Applying lemon paste on the forehead can also reduce the headache.

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Cinnamon is very beneficial for headaches. Cinnamon paste is especially effective in reducing headaches. Take some cinnamon and grind it. Then mix it with water to make a paste. Now apply the paste on the headache area. After waiting for a while, wash it off with lukewarm water. You will see that the headache has disappeared.

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Many times the headache starts on waking up in the morning. If the headache starts in the morning, cut an apple and mix it with some salt and eat it, don't forget to drink some hot drink with it. If you want, you can also cure headache with apple cider vinegar. First take hot water in a pot. Mix 3 to 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with it and dip a towel in that water and hold it on your head. You will see that the headache has reduced a lot.

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Here's how you can cure headaches and stay healthy with simple tips at home.

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