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Don't forget the physical pains

The Dhaka Times Desk A lot of indifference towards health is seen among boys. How harmful this indifference is to health they usually realize after they become ill. Along with boys, girls in our country also try to avoid many health issues in many cases. This avoidance of health can sometimes turn fatal unless you are aware of it beforehand.


Many times pain is observed in different parts of our body. Maybe you didn't take this pain into account. He ate a paracetamol. You know what? What a big mistake you made. Physical pains should never be ignored. Your negligence today is enough to cause great danger in the future. The human body operates through a complex spontaneous physical process. So the neglect of any one of these little things indicates a much bigger problem. So today we will show you the physical pains that should never be neglected.


1. Do you throw your head in a headache?

According to the popular neuroscience magazine Neuro, about 36 percent of the total population worldwide suffers from chronic migraine pain. But in most cases of chronic migraine pain, there may be a brain tumor or some other brain disease behind it. These types of brain tumors can lead to brain cancer. Moreover, this headache can also seriously affect your eyes. So do not ignore the headache and consult a doctor.


2. I can't sleep because of toothache, I stay awake alone

Toothache is often neglected by us. I rinsed the toothache with warm water mixed with salt. This is actually not the right thing to do because toothache can also be caused by serious gum disease. The junction of the tooth neuron cell with the neuron cell of our brain or synapse in scientific terms is quite tactile. If you eat ice cream or something hot because of a minor dental problem, you get a headache. Think about how intense your toothache will be at that location. Gum problems are usually seen as toothache. Sometimes a small gum tumor can turn into cancer.

3. Do not ignore heartburn

Heartburn or chest pain can be caused by many reasons. But in all cases if you ignore it and think that taking a gastric tablet will cure you, you are wrong. Because this negligence can cause great danger for you. So do not ignore heartburn or chest pain. Many people have a stroke or heart attack even from a small pain in the chest.

4. Abdominal pain:

Always be aware of this pain. If your lower abdominal pain lasts for more than 24 hours, it is the pain of appendicitis. Consult a doctor without delay in this pain. Because of the pain of appendicitis, you have to operate within 24 hours. If not, there may be great danger.

Man having neck pain & back pain (rear view)

5. Middle back pain:

Never Ignore Your Middle Back Pain Back pain is usually caused by kidney complications. Middle back physical pains are felt due to bacterial invasion of kidney and urinary problem of kidney nephron.

Also choose the right treatment without neglecting the pain in other parts of the body. The problem in our country is that we went to the pharmacy and told the name of a medicine and the shopkeeper gave the medicine. A pharmacist in a foreign country pharmacy will ask why you want the medicine before prescribing it. That is, he himself is a doctor. As a result, you will get a sure cure for any kind of physical pain. But in our country it is quite risky.

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