The Dhaka Times
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A woman can know if she is pregnant through apps!

The Dhaka Times Desk There was a time when one had to go to hospital or diagnostics to know about pregnancy. But from now on a woman can know whether she is pregnant at home through apps.

App NaturalCycles

Not only that, there is no risk of a woman getting pregnant if she has sex on any given day - that calculation is not always correct. So women choose the contraceptive pill. But there remains a risk. Thanks to technology, apps have come to release these thoughts! These apps will now tell you which day is the 'right time' for you. Apyas will tell you - there will be no risk of getting pregnant!

According to media reports, the name of this new app is 'Natural Cycles' (App NaturalCycles). These fertility apps will tell you in advance if you have sex, there will be no risk of getting pregnant!

How will it work?

It is said that every morning this app will check the body temperature of women and create a fertility data plan. And this data plan will tell which days are ideal for motherhood and which days are risky. After getting a data plan, a woman can easily avoid the risk of unintended motherhood if she takes precautions on special days.

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