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Not an alarm, this time to wake up with an electric shock! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Earlier we use alarm clocks and now mobile phones to wake up. But now there will be no need for alarm. Because from now on will wake up electric shock!

Shock Clock

We suffer from not being able to wake up on time in the morning. Because many times we can't get up even if we set the alarm. But this time electric shock came to cut that uncertainty. Only wearing a watch will do that job of shock. You won't have any trouble waking up.

From now on, this hand-held device will wake you up with an electric shock! That's why waking up on time will be guaranteed for you.

This new technology smartwatch is named 'Shock Clock'. But there is nothing to fear. Because this watch will deliver an electric shock of such magnitude that it will only cause discomfort. However, it will not cause any harm to the body.

It is basically a wrist band. Alarm time can be set on it through smartphone app. When the alarm goes off, the wristband will first try to wake you up with a vibration. If it doesn't wake you up, it will make a 'beep beep' sound on the second attempt. If it does not wake up, the last step will give an electric shock!

This newly invented band will also track your sleep patterns. This wrist band will alert you even if you have irregular sleep.

The US company Pavlock has developed this new technology band called 'Shock Clock'. Funds are also currently being collected through the Indiegogo website to bring the 'Shock Clock' to market. The 'Shock Clock' is slated to hit the market in September. Although the price has not been determined, it is believed to be 79 USD.

Check out the Shock Clock's shock mode
