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Amazing story of a rickshaw puller's son becoming a Deputy Commissioner

The Dhaka Times Desk People can do anything they want. One person proved it again. Being the son of a rickshaw puller, the deputy commissioner became a ball of indomitable will!

son of a rickshaw to amazing story of Deputy Commissioner-2

From a very young age, he had to bear the contempt and neglect of many people as his father was a rickshaw puller. The neglect of the parents of rich friends gave him a lot of trouble at one time. Still he did not stop. He became the deputy commissioner by continuing to study with his father's rickshaw driving money! Being a rickshaw puller is not a hardship, but a pride to him.

The man's name is Govind Jiswal from Varanasi, India. He was ranked 48th in the 2006 batch of civil services.

Govind Jiswal told his life story in an interview on a program called 'Nine Dream Project' of a private TV channel in India.

He was asked if he was chased away while playing with his friends as a child. Does he remember that day?

In response, Gobind Jiswal said, 'That time was the most difficult time of my life. Our residence was in an industrial area. Because of this many rich people live there. One day after going to play at a friend's house, his father wanted to know how he got into the house. Then he threw me out of the house and said, "How dare a son of a family like you come to this house?"

Govind Jiswal also said, 'For many days I did not find any answer to this. But that day everyone said, it was said because of your social status. Although I was very good at studies from the beginning.'

Govind Jiswal said, 'I then asked them how I can change this social position of mine? There was one answer then, if you can be established in this society, your social status will change one day.'

'Then I told them if I could do a job to remove the dishonor of my father? Moreover, what is the biggest job? Above which there is nothing else?'

'Then jokingly they said, you are an IAS. On top of that, there are no other big jobs in this country. I then aspired to become an IAS and succeeded in my first attempt.'

Govind Jiswal said, we 5 members of the family used to live in the same room and used to eat and drink in the same room. I read there too. Govind Jiswal has narrated many difficult stories of life.

Watch that video in Hindi language
