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What you need to know: Know what to do to survive a lightning strike

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people have died due to lightning in the last few days. But we don't know how to avoid this natural disaster. Learn how to survive lightning today.

what to do when lightning strikes

According to a news report, every year in Bangladesh, an average of 2 to 300 people are killed by lightning. Last Thursday, more than 50 people lost their lives due to lightning in different parts of the country. The incidents of loss of life occurred in different parts of the country including the capital Dhaka.

According to one data, generally March to May and October to November are the most thunderstorms. At this time to take shelter under the roofed house. The Meteorological Department advised to stay away from tall trees or power lines.

Not only that, when the lightning starts, stay away from windows and avoid metal objects, such as TV-fridge, stay inside the car and stay barefoot, meteorologists have advised.

The Meteorological Department has given advice on what to do and what not to do during lightning.

The suggestions are:

# If you see frequent lightning, it is better not to stay in open or high places. It is best to take shelter under a building.

During a # lightning strike, high trees or power poles are more likely to be electrocuted. So it is not safe to stay near trees or poles during thunderstorms. Passenger canopies or large trees in open spaces are more likely to be struck by lightning.

# Another thing to avoid during lightning strikes. That is, if you are at home at this time, you should not go to the window and take a peek. At this time, the sources of Meteorological Department advised to keep the windows closed and stay indoors.

# Do not touch household metal faucets, stair railings, pipes during lightning. It is also advised not to use land phones. Because many people get affected when they come in contact with them during lightning.

# Electrically connected appliances should be avoided during lightning strikes. For example, even if the TV, fridge and Internet Wi-Fi are turned off, it is not right to touch them. If there is a glimpse of lightning, the plug should be unplugged immediately.

# If you are in a car during a lightning strike, try to get home as quickly as possible. In case of severe thunderstorms and rain, the car can be parked under a carport or covered awning. It is also dangerous to touch the glass of the car at that time.

# It is very dangerous to be in wet leather shoes or bare feet during lightning. If you must go out in private, it is safe to use closed-toe shoes. Rubber gumboots will work best. So you can use it.

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