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Priyanka-Deepika will be seen in James Bond?

The Dhaka Times Desk The casting process for the next James Bond film has already begun. Now the names of two Bollywood actresses Pianka Chopra and Deepika are being heard.

Deepika Priyanka will be seen James Bond

A list has already been made to star opposite Bollywood star Daniel Craig. Two Bollywood actresses Pianka Chopra and Deepika Padukone have entered that list.

Both Priyanka and Deepika are now widely known names in Hollywood. Priyanka is already acting in several Hollywood productions. Priyanka is also acting in the cinematic version of the famous TV series 'Baywatch'. Her role in that film is very much that of a villain.

Deepika Priyanka will be seen James Bond-2

On the other hand, Deepika is acting in the upcoming production of 'Triple X'- series. The work of that film is also progressing.

Citing a source, media reports said that these two Bollywood actresses, Priyanka and Deepika, are in contact with the production team of James Bond. James Bond's production team is also in regular contact with these two people. Both are scheduled to undergo screen tests soon. It is heard that both Priyanka and Deepika can be seen together in James Bond's next film!

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