The Dhaka Times
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There is only one house for 220 residents in the city!

The Dhaka Times Desk How many houses are there in a village? And many people live there. But found a town with only one house for 220 inhabitants!

Begik Tower

A city where there are no people or plants. Because in order to become a city, there needs to be people, schools-college, shops-schools-offices. But surprisingly, this city has it all. But it is only in one house!

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There is only one house in the whole town. It includes the market, school-college everything! Residents of the entire city live inside that one house!

It may come as a surprise to hear such a thing. But in reality there is such a city.

Gary Carr works at the Kozy Korner grocery store. "He spends a lot of time on that computer," photographer Reed Young says. "One of his obsessions was keeping up with Top 40 radio.

The name of this city located in Alaska, USA is Whitia. The population of this city is 220. They all live in one house. This huge house with 14 floors is called Begik Tower. Not only does it house 220 people, but inside this house there is an office, a police station, a market - everything! Residents don't leave their homes unless necessary.

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A shop located inside the house

During World War II, this tower was built as a military barracks. Till 1969 the house remained under the government. That's why the house was handed over to the residents of the city. Everyone living in that town and house today are descendants of those military officials.

Begik Tower-5

But there is one exception in this town. His name is Paul. He moved to a mobile home instead of staying in a tower. But he also had to enter the tower to shop. So he parked his car-house very close to the tower!

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