The Dhaka Times
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Controversy over marinated human meat in China!

The Dhaka Times Desk Cans of marinated human flesh are being sent from China to Zambia in Africa - the recent news has shocked everyone.

Marinate Man meat & China

However, the Chinese ambassador to Zambia called this information completely false. He countered by saying that it was just an attempt to defame China. He countered that such false propaganda is being carried out to spoil China's image in the global market.

In recent days, news has spread across the African subcontinent that human corpses are being marinated in China. Then China is selling them in cans to different supermarkets in Africa.

According to the published news, the sources that spread such news are those who work in those meat factories in China. Their claim is that the cremation space has decreased in China at the moment. In addition, China is also reported to be stockpiling meat to export other meats to more developed and important countries in the world.

After the pictures were circulated on social media, Beijing claimed that the news was completely false. Their claim is that the pictures that are seen in the market are from 2012, China has insisted that it is not a recent picture.

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