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Nutritional value of mangoes

The Dhaka Times Desk A slice of sweet mango brings solace in the scorching heat of summer. Mango is the king of fruits in many varieties. Although mango is not our national fruit, mangoes of different varieties and shapes are available in this country. It is said that raw mangoes are more nutritious than ripe ones. But nutritionists say that it is beneficial for us whether eaten raw or cooked.


In Bangladesh, the market is usually full of raw mangoes at this time. Mainly raw mangoes are bought for mango pickles, curries as sour. Raw mangoes are rich in vitamin C. It prevents cold like diseases. Raw mango helps purify the blood in the body.

Benefits of Mango at a Glance:

• Mangoes are beneficial in anemia due to their high iron content
• Relieves constipation as it is rich in fiber
• Helps prevent colon cancer
• Eliminates potassium deficiency in the body
• Helps increase energy in the body
• Being rich in potassium and magnesium, it is beneficial in acidity, muscle camp, stress and heart problems
• Rich in vitamin 'A', raw mangoes help in keeping the eyes healthy
• Helps to keep the cholesterol level in the body low
• Rich in vitamin-C, it boosts immunity
• Mangoes are useful in colds during summer
• Helpful in reducing indigestion
• Helps in kidney problems
• Works well in relieving acidity
• Making sharbat with mango is very beneficial
• Mango helps quench thirst.
• Mango keeps the liver healthy.
• Being rich in vitamin-C, mangoes are also beneficial in blood disorders.
• Mango is also useful in refractive problems, softening of the cornea of the eye.
• Sufficient consumption of mangoes leads to formation of healthy epithelium.
• Sinus problems are greatly reduced.
• Mangoes are rich in Vitamin-C.

Although mangoes are rich in nutrients, excess mangoes are not good for the body. Excess mangoes can cause digestive problems along with throat problems. Many times we add extra salt and pepper while eating raw mangoes. Excess salt is harmful for the body. Later, the body system has to strain to remove this excess salt from the body. The most important thing is that if you want to eat the fruit, you must wash it and eat it. Freshly bought fruit may contain formalin. Most ripe mangoes available in the market contain forpamin. Formalinized mangoes do not attract flies. And it does not look like a ripe mango but looks more like a white coating. Many times this white coating comes off when washed in water. If you want to get the nutritional value of mangoes, you have to eat mangoes free of chemical formalin.

Source: contemporary

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