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How to recognize formalin and chemical-free mango?

The Dhaka Times Desk Mango is called the king of fruits. It is difficult to find a person who has not lost himself in the realm of the alluring smell and taste of mangoes. But today some unscrupulous traders are mixing formalin and chemicals in that mango. As a result, the natural attractive smell and taste of mango is lost.


By paying attention to certain aspects, you can get formalin and chemical free mangoes. Let's see how to buy formalin and chemical free mangoes while buying mangoes from the market.

1. First, check if the mango has flies, because formalin-treated mangoes do not.

2. When the mango is still on the tree or in the case of a ripe mango, there is a whitish color in the skin. In the case of mango dipped in formalin or chemicals, this whiteness disappears.

3. In case of carbide or formalin dipped mango, the mango body is free from stains. Ripe mangoes will have spots. But raw mangoes come from the tree and are ripened with chemicals, so there is no stain on it.


4. In the case of ripe mangoes, the skin of the mangoes will vary in color. That is, the color of the base of the mango will be darker. But in the case of chemically ripened mangoes, the entire pulp is of the same color.

5. Take the mango to your nose and smell it. In the case of ripe mangoes, the bota will have a scent. There will be no smell in the case of medicinally ripe mangoes.

6. The white of the tree sticks to the mango like a kind of powder. But when raw mangoes are ripened in chemicals, the stain disappears.

7. Tree-ripe mangoes do not turn yellow completely when they ripen on the tree, the mangoes have spots on them. But buyers see such mangoes and think they will be sour. In this opportunity, unscrupulous traders use some chemicals in the mangoes that make the mangoes look bright yellow and attract buyers.

So keep the above points in mind while buying mangoes. Keep yourself and your family healthy by buying chemical free mangoes.


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