The Dhaka Times
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Hanuman attacked Indian railway police!

The Dhaka Times Desk A Hanuman has been attacking police on sight for the past month in Chittaranjan, a railway town in West Bengal, India. This evil Hanuman has so far bitten at least 15 policemen!

Police & Hanuman attack

The horrified railway police finally arrested and locked Hanuman in a cage. For the past one month, the railway police personnel were afraid to come to duty wearing khaki for fear of this Hanuman.

A railway policeman who was bitten by Hanuman said, 'Hanumana jumped out of nowhere and bit him while on duty. Can duty be done like this?'

This city is built around the railway engine factory. So there is a lot of RPF presence as the Railway Protection Force will go there.

Shyamsunder Tiwari, acting railway safety commissioner of Chittaranjan, told the BBC, 'About 15 railway policemen were bitten by that Hanuman. A panic has developed among the workers.'

The main target of that Hanuman is the railway police. But that Hanuman also bit 2 ordinary citizens. People of the area were afraid to send the children outside the house alone.

However, why Hanuman is so angry with the police is not understood. But seeing an injury on Hanuman's leg, it is thought that maybe someone in khaki dress hit that Hanuman, that's why he is so angry on khaki dress.

The Railways has written to the forest department to arrest the Numan. Finally, that Hanuman was caught last Monday afternoon.

Railway Safety Commissioner Shyamsunder Tiwari said, 'Forest Department staff brought cages. Hanuman was caught after a lot of effort. The trap was sprung by hanging bananas in the cage. After Hanuman's capture, peace has returned to our minds. What has happened for the past month!'

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