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Search for the lost city under the sea in Egypt!

The Dhaka Times Desk Cities that were lost in those early days have been found. Two major lost cities of Egypt have been discovered at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea.

Egypt in search of lost under sea

A variety of artifacts including idols of gods and queens have also been found there. An exhibition in London titled 'The Lost World of Egypt' shows its artifacts, according to media reports.

Not today, around 800 AD these two cities were swallowed up by sea coral. Archaeologists found it recently. It was there that the statue of Happy, the god of floods in the Nile, was discovered.

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More than two hundred statues, hieroglyphic inscriptions, metal and gold ornaments of the pharaohs have been found from the bottom of the sea. Archaeologists have confirmed that the sunken cities are Heraklion or Thonis and Canopus. Cities where Greek and Egyptian civilizations blended.

Aurelia Mason Berghoff, chief curator of the exhibition, told the media that there is a fusion of cultures in different civilizations at different times. But never before have I seen the clear examples of Greek and Egyptian civilization in the dress of this statue of Queen Arsinoe II.

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It is known that Frank Godio, director of the European Institute of Underwater Archeology, played a key role in the search for the lost city with the Egyptian Ministry of Archeology in 1996. From that time until 2012, various kinds of artifacts started to come out in the excavation of the bottom of the sea.

In this regard, the director of the Institute of Underwater Archeology, Frank Godio, said that these resources have not been damaged much due to being under water. I think we've only been able to dig 5 percent of what's underwater. Many more discoveries are yet to be made.'

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