The Dhaka Times
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Musharraf Karim did not want to be a TV actor!

The Dhaka Times Desk Musharraf Karim is one of the popular TV drama actors at present. Although he is so popular on TV, in reality he did not want to be a TV actor!

Mosharraf Karim

The popular face of TV dramas, Musharraf Karim has also acted in several films. He has already received national and international awards. However, the popular face of TV drama Musharraf Karim had no desire to become a TV actor!

Talking to the media recently, Musharraf Karim said, 'I used to act on stage. I joined the drama group 'Natyakendra' in the 1990s. Since then I have been acting on stage regularly. I wanted to act regularly on stage. I never wanted to be a TV actor but finally became a TV actor.' This is exactly how today's popular actor Musharraf Karim expressed his attitude.

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Even though he played a small role, Musharraf changed Karim's life after acting in the drama 'Caram'. In this drama with two sequels, he acted opposite popular actress Tisha.

Remembering the memory of that drama, Musharraf Karim said, 'The turning point of my life is acting in the drama 'Caram'. But at that time I was supposed to go to Thailand to act in a serial drama. However, after consulting my wife, I acted in 'Caram' directed by Mustafa Sarayar Faruqi. Then everything started to change.'

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Currently, this popular actor is busy with acting in Eid plays. Musharraf Karim is also acting regularly in several serials.

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