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Dev of Kolkata, Mim-Shakib's 'The Mission' with Srabanti!

The Dhaka Times Desk The release of co-productions with Kolkata has increased in recent times. Upper Bengal - Upper Bengal actors and actresses are acting in these films.

The Mission & Dev, Shrabanti, mem, Shakeeb

Dev of Kolkata, Mim and Shakib with Srabanti. Bangladesh-India joint production film 'The Mission' will be released on January 15 next year.

Shakib Khan of Dhaka, Vidya Sinha Mim, Dev and Srabanti of Kolkata will act in the film 'The Mission' directed by Zakir Hossain Shimant.

It is known that the budget of the movie of 2 hours 40 minutes length is 33 crores. The film is produced by Jazz Multimedia, SK Movies and Jalsa Movies Productions.
But Abdullah Zaheer Babu, who is named as a screenwriter in Wiki, gave the exact opposite information. He said, "There is no truth in the news. Jazz Multimedia is not making any movie called 'The Mission'!”

But interestingly, Wikipedia has also given a synopsis of the movie. It is said that at least 300 million people died in an explosion in the Indian subcontinent. The terrorist group IS is mainly responsible for this. In this incident, a team of four people entered the field to destroy IS in the plan of India and Bangladesh government. They succeeded for a time after many setbacks. At the end of this movie there will be a hint of sequel.

'The Mission' also stars Ankush Hazra, Kharaj Mukherjee, Vishwanath Basu, Vishwajit Chakraborty, Labani Sarkar, Moushumi Saha and Supriya Dutta.

Not only the story of the movie and the actors, but also the remuneration of the artists are mentioned. It is said that Dev is taking Rs 1 crore, Shakib Khan Rs 75 lakh, Srabanti Rs 60 lakh, Ankush Rs 60 lakh and Mim Rs 10 lakh.

But the whole thing seems hazy now. Time will tell if the incident is really true or just a rumor!

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