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Hoi Chai with the new version of the famous Motorola!

The Dhaka Times Desk You must remember Motorola. At one time this Motorola mobile was popular with many people. But new companies have emerged in the market competition.

Motorola's new version of famous

But is Motorola's famous razor flip phone going to come back again? Various discussions have started about the new version of this phone on social media and technology related websites. But Motorola's current owner China's Lenovo says otherwise.

The Motorola 'Razor Flip' phone was once famous as a 'stylish' phone in the world of mobile phones. Motorola sold 130 million 'Razor Flip' phones since its launch in 2004. But Motorola's heyday is no more.

A video of Motorola recently surfaced online. The video highlights the features of Motorola's iconic phone. Rumors of the new version of the Razor Phone mainly arose around that video. However, Motorola's current owner Lenovo denied such rumours.

Lenovo will unveil this new mobile phone at the Tech World conference in San Francisco, USA today. One of the officials of Lenovo has claimed that the once popular Razor phone is not coming in this new phone.
However, those Lenovo officials said that Lenovo will bring a great surprise on June 9, which will completely change the concept of mobile phones. What could happen then? Lenovo can bring a device with modern technology in collaboration with Google's Project Tango. But there is no option but to wait till June 9 to see the surprise.

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