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A mayor announced the sale of the city on Facebook!

The Dhaka Times Desk Francesco Garafolo, the mayor of the Italian town of San Socio Baronia, has announced the sale of his town on Facebook. Not only that, he also said that he will hand over his responsibility to the buyer.

Facebook, city mayor & announced sale

He said that the mayor has taken such a decision because of the persistent financial crisis.

But Garafolo is not willing to sell the city to anyone. He added the condition that the buyer must be a wealthy person in China.

In a Facebook post announcing the sale of the San Socio baronia, Garafolo wrote, "We need a rich Chinese investor who will take over this town."

It is known that Francesco Garafolo has been serving as the mayor of San Socio Baronia for 7 years. But due to financial crisis it is becoming difficult for him to fulfill his duties day by day.

In the post urging buyers to buy the city, Garafolo wrote, citing his city's environment and tourism potential, "Investors in the city of San Socio Baronia will be very profitable."

The question now arises for everyone, if Garafolo can really save his city if he gets an investor?

However, this may not be the case. He himself told the Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano that he made such a post on Facebook to show people the reality.

He said, 'I will not sell my land. I made the post out of great discomfort, frustration, helplessness in not being able to cope with the newspapers and financial crunch.'

But while Garafolo has ruled out selling the city, he is still looking for ways to invest. He told the media that he is also thinking of advertising the city in the media to attract investors.

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