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What causes people to be hot?

The Dhaka Times Desk People's heads are getting hot every now and then. People are losing their temper and becoming violent for no reason. Researchers say, this could be due to global warming.

What is cause of man's head warm

In this regard, researchers in the Netherlands say that people are becoming more violent due to the long-term increase in temperature. High temperatures and lack of seasonal diversity are increasing this human-to-human violence. That is why people are thinking less about the future. And so people are not able to control themselves easily.

The researchers also said that due to higher temperatures and lack of seasonality, people are trying to live faster. Due to which more aggression and violence is also increasing. If the global temperature rises like this, the situation will be more dire.

The researchers named their theory the 'class model'. Clash's CL stands for Climate, A-aggression, S-self-control, and H-human.

Researchers at Rijks University Amsterdam have long been studying the increase in violence caused by high temperatures.

Researcher Paul Van Lang said, 'In fact, climate determines how people will live. It mainly affects human culture. This new theory will help to understand how climate change affects the increase in violence in different regions of the world.'

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