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A police officer hanged while acting!

The Dhaka Times Desk He went to show the scene of the hanging to his wife. Accidentally got stuck in the gallows!

Police and hanging

According to media reports, he was standing on the table on the floor of the house with a nylon rope hanging around his neck and explaining to his wife how it is all over if criminals are hanged on the gallows.

But everything was fine, the problem arose when the bottom table suddenly moved. As soon as the table moved, Mumbai police constable Gobind Balaji Daval got a noose!

According to a police report, Govind Balaji Davle is working at Ghatkopar police station firing range.
Govind Daval's wife asked him last Monday, how criminals are hanged? First, he tries to convince his wife with a demo instead of verbally. Then he gathered a small table. Then go on to show how a nylon rope from a clothes fair is attached to the ceiling and hung around the neck. That's when danger happens.

Due to his wife's carelessness, the table moved from under Govinda's feet. Govinda hanged himself with a noose around his neck. He tried to survive by laughing. But the more the leak, the more he started to stop breathing.

The wife then informed the neighbors. Govind Davle was taken off the rope and admitted to Agarwal Hospital. Govinda is currently fighting death in the ICU. Doctors said that his physical condition is very critical.

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