The Dhaka Times
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About a cursed mountain to touch death!

The Dhaka Times Desk The incident is very close to us in the Lobi Dehar mine on the hills of Mussoorie in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. Today there is talk of a cursed mountain to beat death!

Death & hill

Although the matter is surprising, the locals claim that because of a woman's extramarital relationship, one thousand and fifty miners died in one night!

It is known that the gentleman who was the leader of this mine during the British period, his wife was involved in an extramarital affair. After conspiring with her lover, one day she came to visit this mine with her husband. The lover rolls a big stone towards them from a certain place. Even though his wife moved away, that gentleman could not save his life. Locals believe that his ghost still lives in this mine. He did not trust any man. So from that anger, the ghost of the master took the lives of a thousand and fifty workers!

Many others say about a local woman. This story is like an extramarital affair! The husband saw the woman in an abusive situation with her boyfriend! In fear, the woman ran away and took shelter in the darkness of the mine. One day he heard about the killing of two village children. Father killed those two children!

The woman listens to the whole later! He understands that they are his sons and daughters! Then he committed suicide in regret. However, his anger did not go to the miners! In that rage, all the miners died in one night with blood on their faces!

This mine has been closed since 1996. Sighing, muffled cries can still be heard in that mine. Sometimes can be heard, angry screams! Understandably, someone is following!

If you want, you can also visit Lombi Dehar if you go to Mussoorie in North India! But think before entering the mine!

It should be noted that Mussoorie, located in the state of Uttarakhand, was established as a rock city by the British in 1823. It is known as one of the most popular rock towns in India.

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