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Accepting the reality, Trump praised Saddam!

The Dhaka Times Desk Former president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, who was sentenced to death, praised Donald Trump, who is nominated for the post of president in the upcoming elections of the United States!

Trump praised Saddam

He said this at an election rally in Raleigh, North Carolina on Tuesday night local time of the United States.

In that public meeting, Trump said that, 'We know Saddam Hussein as a bad person. That's right. But what did he do? He killed terrorists. In my opinion, he did a very good job of it.'

At that gathering, Trump also commented, "Middle East countries really need autocracy."

In a published news, AP and CNN also reported that at the beginning of this century, Donald Trump, a wealthy Cuban businessman, was one of the most vocal supporters of the attack on Iraq. But recently, due to the series of terrorist attacks worldwide, he said that he has moved away from his earlier idea. Trump has previously admitted that attacking Iraq was a 'big mistake'.

In an election meeting this year, Trump said, 'Now one of the biggest bases of IS is Libya and Iraq. Now, if Gaddafi, the ruler of Libya, and Saddam of Iraq were alive, terrorism would not have spread so much.

Trump also said, 'If we had kept Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi in power, both countries would have been much more stable. Terrorists could not occupy all those countries.'

Trump added, "They were bad, really bad, but if our politicians hadn't gone to war, we'd be better off."

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