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The judge who sentenced former Iraqi president Saddam to death has been executed

The Dhaka Times Desk The judge who sentenced former Iraqi president Saddam to death has been executed.

Saddam & R

According to the international media, the judge Rauf Abdur Rahman, who gave the death sentence to the former president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, has been hanged. At the funeral, the Sunni insurgent organization ISIS carried out the execution. As the head of the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal, in 2006, the former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was hanged by this judge Abdur Rahman.


The media reported that the Sunni rebels arrested the 69-year-old judge on June 16. This judge was trying to escape Baghdad dressed as a dancer. Jordanian MP Khalil Attia wrote on his Facebook page that Judge Rahman was arrested and later sentenced to death.

Jordanian MP Khalil Attia also said on his Facebook that the Iraqi revolutionaries arrested and sentenced him to death to avenge the death of martyr Saddam Hussein. According to media sources, Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri, a former assistant of Saddam and one of the leaders of the rebels, also published the news of arresting Judge Rahman on his Facebook. But till now the Iraqi government has not confirmed his death. However, the Iraqi government did not deny the news of his arrest.

It is to be noted that Judge Rahman was appointed as the Chief Judge of the Kurdish Court of Appeal in 1996 and he hanged Saddam Hussein on charges of killing 148 people suspected of involvement in the failed coup in 1982. After his verdict, Saddam was hanged on Eid-ul-Azha. References: Daily Mail Online.

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