The Dhaka Times
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Nokia was blackmailed

The Dhaka Times Desk Nokia was once the most popular brand name in the mobile phone market. That Nokia was a victim of blackmailing, that too in a very filmy way!


The encryption code of Nokia's Symbian operating system, the company that once dominated the mobile phone market, was out of date. Not only millions of euros were lost in that incident, but the local police also lost track of criminals like a Hollywood movie.

Recently, the matter has been falsified, the incident was in 2007-08. More than 50 percent of the mobile phones in the market at that time were mobile phones with Nokia's Symbian operating system. And what was the encryption of the source code of that OS? The criminals were threatening to leak the encryption key if the ransom was not paid. If leaked, Nokia could have faced a major disaster in the technology market. Being part of the source code, it would not have been possible for Nokia to detect malware created using it. As a result, at that time, Nokia would have lost the market in terms of selling mobile phones with its popular Symbian operating system.

What else to do! Nokia agreed to pay the ransom to avoid disaster, but Nokia reported the matter to the police. The black mailer told Nokia that the ransom money should be left in a parking lot in Tampere, Finland. In that sense, the ransom money was kept, and the criminals disappeared with the ransom, avoiding the eyes of the police, just like in a Hollywood movie. Six years later, the investigation is still ongoing, according to Finland's police department.


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